surpisingly high volume of trub resulted in less wort into the fermenter after wirlpooling (20 liters).
setting ferment temp at 12C (+/- 0.5C) 10/12/2017
Diacetyl Rest 15C 2 days 19/12/17 start.
Cooling 0C
Lager 4.5C for 6 weeks
bottle 14/01/17
adding bottled 750ml with carbonation drops.
27 x 750ml
Trial bottle 21 Jan 2018
Great carbonation - quickly goes flat, needs to lager. nice straw to golden colour
clarity good - despites: youth, no isinglass, not racking off to a secondary
A little yeasty on the nose
Taste very clean. slight bitter initial taste, little aftertaste. will wait a few weeks