update 11/26/2018 : there is an egg nog milk stout recipe in brooklyn brew shop's beer making book. it calls for 2 1/2 whole nutmegs (grated), 1 lb lactose, and 3 (!) vanilla beans.
update 11/25/2018 : not sure the original thoughts here but
i think we would need to add vanilla bean, nutmeg and possibly cinnamon. would this be significantly different than GBS? obviously no ginger, but seems similar. adding british ale yeast just thinking maybe i could then piggy back the yeast and make a barleywine, but might be too roastey to reuse....
working recipe from left hand milk stout clone : https://www.homebrewersassociation.org/homebrew-recipe/left-hand-milk-stout-clone/
needs scaling for higher abv