This is intended as a sweet cider.
Apples used: 20 lbs Fuji, 9 lbs Gala, 2 lbs Green apples
Honey: Clover Honey
Sugar: light brown sugar 1 lbs, dark brown sugar .5 lbs and
Raw Sugar .5 lbs
First juice all apples and place in a large pot. Heat the liquid, adding the ingredients as it warms up. Once the temp reaches 185 degrees, keep at 185 for 45 min. Then cool with wort chiller till temp is around 80 degrees. transfer into primary fermenter and pitch yeast. Let ferment 4-5 days, take hydrometer reading and taste. If ABV and taste is good, bottle without any sugar , the remaining sugar will carbonate bottles. ABV should be around 10, for a nice sweet taste and with a kick. Let bottles sit for 3 months to 1 year for flavors to mellow and become more pronounced.