Ensure your Mash pH is 5.7 whilst doughing-in at the proteolytic range. If you must, you can adjust the pH to 5.4 once at 62Celsius, although this is not necessary.
Let the boil sit in the kettle (lid on) for about 30 minutes to obtain good sedimentation of unwanted trub.
It is recommended to step up the yeast at least 2 times in order to obtain a large amount of fresh yeast cells.
Once fermentation is complete (at Vs End) drop the temperature to 5 Celsius over 24 hrs. The next day, drop again to -1 Celsius and let it sit for 2 weeks (unless you own a centrifuge). One the old yeast is gone, ensure to have a fresh batch of the same yeast ready and mix it together with the Speise at about 14 Celsius and then bottle.
Condition the bottles at 18-20 Celsius for a good week, then at 5 Celsius for the remaining 2 weeks. If your beer tastes green after that period, subject it to another warm conditioning cycle.