NB clone of Lawson's Finest Liquids Sip Of Sunshine
BIAB 7.35 ? Gal. of filtered tap water. Added 1tsp 10% Phosphoric acid.
Strike temperature 162.F. Stirred and mashed for approximately 110 minutes (lifted bag and brought temperature up once).
Drained and lightly squeezed bag. Added 3/4 tsp Calcium Chloride and 1/4 tsp Gypsum.
Boiled for approximately 75 minutes. Followed hop schedule except 1oz Columbus for full boil. A
Added flameout hop and allowed to steep for approximately 20 minutes.
Let naturally cool overnight in Keggle .
10/15/17 13:00 , Transferred into 6.5 gal glass Big Mouth Bubbler and pitched yeast (Imperial A38 Juice). Approximate temperature 65.F
Moved to basement shower to ferment.
Yield approximately 5.25 Gal @ 1.070, Refractometer 1.070 (17 P).
Sweet, kinda juicy, little bitterness.
10/16/17 Strong fermentation, really white Krausen
10/19/17 Added dry hops, still medium krausen.
10/24/17 SG 1.012-1.014, Sweet and Juicy
11/04/17 Racked to Cornelius keg, 4.5 Gal + 2L bottle
SG 1.010