Proof yeast minimum 2 hours prior to pitching. Proofing should be done in one and a half cups reserved and chilled wort.
Proof yeast at 72 - 74 degrees. Once proofed, pitch into 68 degree wort.
When gravity drops to 1.014, rack to secondary to finish for minimum 7 days. Can be kegged or bottle conditioned.
NOTE: This recipe is for SIX GALLON BATCH! If scaling down to 5 gallon, cut Perle hops to 2.5 oz, and Saaz to 2 oz.
EDIT 11/02/17: And its official! This AltBier took Third Place at the Bruce Street Brewfest in Sevierville, TN, on October 14th, 2017.
See attached photo of the Bronze Medal and Scoresheet. :-) (Please pardon the cell phone pic of the medal....took it in my store. Medal hangs just above the yeast selections...)
Award Winning Recipe