Brewed on 9/1/2013. Strike water was 174 and hit right about 155F. Left for 10min and then recirculated about a gallon through to distribute evenly with preheated pyrex glass. The temp dropped it down to about 152F so I topped off with half gallon of boiling water which brought it to 153F. Stopped there because I didn't want to thin out the mash even more. I will have to figure out a way to prevent heat loss when recirculating. pH was 5.3 with the slightly thinned mash. Boil Kettle efficiency was 80%. Brew house efficiency was down this time. I am not sure why that would be but maybe it's because I had some wort left over in the kettle and thus didn't boil off enough. I did get my full wort volume without having to top off. I wonder if I should boil 8.25 gal in the future? Some hose water also got into the brew because I wasn't paying attention well enough to my hose attachments. Yeast took off within 8 hours. I looked at it and krausen has formed about 8 hours after. Temp was about 73F so I cooled it down to 68 as quickly as I could. It was about the same temp in the morning. I dropped some of the ice blocks in there in the middle of the night. At about mid afternoon on 9/2 it was at 66F. By the evening time it had climbed back up to 71F so I put some more ice packs in there and cooled it back down to 67F. I got a new tub insulator cover but I am not sure if it is actually doing all that much. I am hoping it isn't getting too crazy because of the temp fluctuation. Morning of 9/3 the beer had risen back up to 70F. I iced it back down to 68. I am wondering if the insulation is keeping the heat in too. Evening of 9/3 it had risen back up to 70F. Iced it down to about 67/68. 9/4 by morning the brew had creeped up to 70F again. I chilled it down to 68F. By evening it was back up to 70F so I dropped it to 67F. 9/5 let the temp go and by 9/7 it was up about 74F. Dry Hopped 9/8/2013. I realized that I swapped the yeast vials and used wlp001 instead of wlp051. Gravity reading on 9/16 put it at 1.014. Racked to keg on 9/18/13 after cold crashing for 2 days.