My second beer was an extract DIPA with Citra and Nelson. It was pretty dank fruity.
8# Light DME
1.5# Wheat DME
1.5# Sugar
1 oz. Columbus @60 (cascade instead)
1 oz. Citra @15
2 oz. Citra @FO
2 oz. Citra @HS = 168F (actually was 60C, not 168, and just dropped in, did not hopstand/whirlpool whatever)
1 oz. Cascade @HS = 168F (actually was 60C, not 168, and just dropped in, did not hopstand/whirlpool whatever)
Dry Hop #1: 1 oz Citra + 2 oz Nelson (cascade instead) -- took place on 8/13 @
Dry Hop #2: 1 oz Citra + 2 oz Nelson (cascade instead)
estOG: 1.074
estFG: 1.010
estABV: 8.4%
boiled as usual, all pellets, took approximately one hour and 17 mins to cool.
poured 1/4 into fermentor from ~5ft height like usual. pitched at ~80F. transfered the remaining. attempted to aerate but the stone kept floating so I gave up.
brix was ~21 @ 28C on 8/5 @ ~6pm
dry hop 1 at 4pm on 8/13
dry hop 2 at 1pm on 8/16
brix was ~4 @ 24C on 8/19.