60% Pilsner
40% Wheat
some hops maybe? I guess we'd legally have to have some
sacc yeast
lacto (delbrucki and plantarum)
OG 1.030
should finish at 1.004, but mine have been finishing at 1.010 or higher.
1.004 would be 3.4%. (I should throw some Brett in one day to see how low it goes)
In terms of actually making it, I kettle sour like this:
starter<br />
- 4l water<br />
- 360g Pilsner Malt Extract<br />
- 80g sucrose<br />
- 60g chalk<br />
- Boil for 10 minutes<br />
- 3 packs of Wyeast 5335<br />
- 15 tablets of ethical nutrient IBS support tablets<br />
This starter contains approximately xxxx bacteria cells and will be<br />
left at xxDegC for xxdays to grow to xxxx bacteria cells for addition<br />
- Mash in for 60min.
- Boil for 10min to sterilise.
- Drop temp to 35-40c.
- Use lactic acid to lower the pH to 4.5 then pitch the lacto.
General rule is 1ml will drop 20l by 0.01
When pitching starter, do not add chalk from the starter!
- Hold for 48 hours or until the pH is at 3.4-3.6.
- Boil for 60min
- Drop temp to 20c and put it into the fermenter.
- Add the sacc yeast and let it ferment out.
- Rack onto raspberries and leave until they've turned white.
- Bottle.
Here's some more info:
50% kegs, 50% bottles at 330
Bottle condition