Water: Make up 1:1 gypsum:CaCl2 and add 1 g to 1 gal water (this is 5g gypsum and 5g CaCl in 10 gal water). Should achieve 100 ppm Chloride and 100 ppm sulfate.
Pitch yeast below optimal range, so 65degF. Ferment high growth phase at low end of optimal, so 67 for 4 days (low temp to limit growth and byproducts). Increase by 8deg to 75degF at day 4 for maturation phase and diacetyl rest, keep at this for 4 days (total primary ferm time=8 days).
Do first dry hop while fermentation still active to scavenge oxygen, say day 5 (this will be about a 10 day dry hop depending on how long cold condition is).
Slow cold condition, 2deg to 4 deg steps every 12 hours, to 15deg below fermentation temp to promote flocculation, so 52degF.
Set up 2nd dry hop with whole hops in cage in keg primed with CO2. Rack beer over top and incubate 3 days at 60degF (so 3 day dry hop).
Keep hops in keg, just drop temp to 4degC and carbonate as usual.