-15 min boil to sanitize, no hops
-chilled to 110
-siphon to 5 gallon fermenter, leave enough room for lacto inoculate, but looking for smallest amount of headspace
-set ferm chamber/wrap to 100
-pitch lacto (1x carton of goodbelly)
-check pH after 24 hrs
-transfer to boil kettle and top off with RO water. For my system I add 2 gallons for a 90 min boil (vigorous) and an additional 2.5 gallons to dilute. Aiming for 8 gallons of wort at 1.039
-boil for 90, hop accordingly (remember bitter+sour can be gross)
-chill to pitching temp, kolsch yeast will give a clean profile, but it's up to the brewer