(2017-03-18 10pm)
Put LDME in hot water bath
Bring 2.5 gallons water to 65C (overshot, added half a gallon t bring down)
Add steeping grains to sock and put in water, 20 minutes at <76C
Remove bag,(did ghetto sparge), (burnt hand on lid) , bring to boil
Remove from heat
Add LME stir through
Bring wort to boil
Add 2oz cluster @60
Add half whirlfloc tab @15
Add 1oz cascade @1
Flame out
Add DME and stir through
Add water to batch to bring below 90C -- isomerisation exponential drop off from 100 to 79
Siphon hot wort to cube (went way better than expected)
Top cube up with water to 5G
(temp in cube was now 50C, less than pasteurisation, so commenced chilling in bathtub (in sealed cube))
(gave up on chilling, chilling sucks, stuck cube outside till tomorrow)
Seal cube
Aerate wort and pitch yeast @ 17C (like 3 shakes and pitched @17.8c, 2017-03-19 12pm)
(put in ferm fridge but all controls off. glad wrap for lid)
Leave cube to ferment @17c (maybe blow off tube)
(2017-03-20 9AM 17.7C 1" krausen)
When activity ceases raise temp to 21C
When FG stable crash to as cold as we can get (prob not very cold)
Add gelatin (1/2tsp dissolved in 1/4 cup water)
Rack into bottling bucket with priming soln