2/25/2017 5:30 PM over 7 years ago
+0 |
Other |
2/20/2021 3:43 AM over 4 years ago
mash in
Decided to try to use a grain bag, since 3.5 gal + 7lbs grain was not enough to cover the normal grain basket valve. Thought it might be easier to clean later, anyway. Doesn't this recipe need to get even more experimental?
Used large grain bag inside of grainfather, suspended by 3 large paper clips. I'm *pretty* sure it's not touching the bottom.
+ ~0.25 lbs rice hulls (mash was looking VEYR sticky, a la rye experiment)
+ 1lb malted white wheat, as insurance against low efficiency |
2/25/2017 7:34 PM over 7 years ago
+0 |
Mash Complete |
7.8 Gallons |
2/20/2021 3:43 AM over 4 years ago
8gal @ 174F |
2/25/2017 11:47 PM over 7 years ago
+0 |
Brew Day Complete |
7.5 Gallons |
2/20/2021 3:43 AM over 4 years ago
I had originally intended this recipe to be for 1.033 wort, so this is definitely a success. Instead of boiling this down to something in the 1.050's for 5 gallons, I decided to add another 1/2 gallon of water @ 80min (along with whirlfloc and yeast nutrient for 7.5 gallons).
filled 1 large plastic carboy + 1 small glass carboy
small carboy: pitched all "experimental yeast" cultured from whole, unmalted pearl barley purchased from good life. yeast was raised in a 2L starter, swaddled in heating pad on highest setting for 5 days.
large carboy: pitched one bag of Wyeast 5335.
pitch temperature = 115F
I'm going to wait for the temperature to drop into the 70s before pitching the Abbaye yeast. |
3/23/2017 3:52 AM over 7 years ago
+26 |
Sample |
2/20/2021 3:43 AM over 4 years ago
wild yeast version
Added 10g Eureka for dry-hopping. Mostly to halt the sourness where it is (moderately sour). Has a nice Belgian aroma. |
3/23/2017 3:52 AM over 7 years ago
+26 |
Sample |
2/20/2021 3:43 AM over 4 years ago
Wyeast L. Buchneri version
Smell is very doughy, like a sourdough bread starter. Doesn't smell necessarily unhealthy, though. Taste is *very* sour.
Added 10g Eureka to dry-hop to halt sourness where it is. |
4/3/2017 9:46 PM over 7 years ago
+37 |
Packaged |
2.8 Gallons |
2/20/2021 3:43 AM over 4 years ago
wild yeast version
2.5oz table sugar
expected vols = 2.5
yellow cap FBS = "Funky Blonde Swill (#1)" |
5/22/2017 5:03 AM over 7 years ago
+86 |
Packaged |
5.5 Gallons |
2/20/2021 3:43 AM over 4 years ago
Bottled the portion that was blended with the rye experiment.
Bottle conditioned with 1 quart pineapple juice (4 servings, each with 28g sugar) and 1.1oz table sugar = ~5.1 oz table sugar.
Expected vols CO2 = 2.6, but pineapple juice didn't mix well? Possibly just the gums that fell to the bottom? Must keep a watchful eye over this stuff...
Result = "Ryenapple Saison" |