The efficiency has been reduced to %70 due to usual decrease in efficiency that comes with brewing very high gravity beers. We can adjust this as needed.
In regards to mash water volume, while many people go with 1.5 qts/lb of malt, we have always had success with a lower rate of 1 qt/lb. This may need to be adjusted.
We have targeted a pre-boil volume of 16 bbls, but if evaporation is greater than this, let me know and we can adjust.
Super moss/Whirlfloc have different usage rates. add at at rate that has been successful for Mare Island.
Zinc usage rate has been increased due to increased gravity.
Ferment at 66 degrees Fahrenheit. Ferment until final gravity doesn't change for at least 3 days in a row.
-Perform diacetyl test (notes to follow) daily until there is no diacetyl detected.
After the beer is done fermenting, and passes a diacetyl test, drop the temperature of the tank to 35 degrees F. Allow to condition until the beer tastes ready.
Hops can be substituted based on availability, though please consult with us before making substitution, as some varieties will not be appropriate to style.
Hop quantity is based on Alpha acid indicated and a pre-boil volume of 16 bbls.
Treat water as Mare Island does.