90 minute boil but 60 minute hop schedule.
With a 90 minute boil, it would be good to calculate the evaporation rate and get a close Boil Volume. ElectricBrewery says they lose 1.9 gal/hr
so 12.5 + (1.5 X 1.9) = 15.4 gallons. 15.5-16 gallons seems reasonable.
Effed up sparge and ended up with 14.5gal in the boil.
Boiled down to 12.5 in 90 minutes. Lucky me.
OG looks like 1.07ish. I guess still 72% efficiency with a slow sparge.
Fermented at 70 for 5 days.
After bubbling slows to steady rate, turned up to 72 degrees.
After a total of two weeks, I cold crashed to 40 degrees for 48 hours.
Then warmed it back up to 68-70 degrees and dry hopped 2oz Citra.
Kegged four days later. Final Gravity looks accurate.
First impression: aromatic hops not present enough with just the single 2 oz dry hopping. Galaxy + Citra's aromatics definitely make it through. 1 oz of a complimentary dry hop might be good next time.