Vanilla Cream Ale - Beer Recipe - Brewer's Friend

Brewer's Friend


Vanilla Cream Ale

144 calories 14.4 g 330 ml
Beer Stats
Method: All Grain
Style: Cream Ale
Boil Time: 75 min
Batch Size: 38 liters (ending kettle volume)
Pre Boil Size: 42 liters
Pre Boil Gravity: 1.039 (recipe based estimate)
Efficiency: 70% (ending kettle)
Source: Stikks 2-2-12
Calories: 144 calories (Per 330ml)
Carbs: 14.4 g (Per 330ml)
Created: Thursday February 2nd 2017
Amount Fermentable Cost PPG °L Bill %
4.10 kg United Kingdom - Maris Otter Pale4.1 kg Maris Otter Pale 38 3.75 51.7%
1.10 kg American - Wheat1.1 kg Wheat 38 1.8 13.9%
1 kg German - Vienna1 kg Vienna 37 4 12.6%
0.38 kg Flaked Corn0.38 kg Flaked Corn 40 0.5 4.8%
0.30 kg American - Caramel / Crystal 10L0.3 kg Caramel / Crystal 10L 35 10 3.8%
0.40 kg American - Carapils (Dextrine Malt)0.4 kg Carapils (Dextrine Malt) 33 1.8 5%
0.15 kg Flaked Barley0.15 kg Flaked Barley 32 2.2 1.9%
0.50 kg Honey0.5 kg Honey - (late boil kettle addition) 42 2 6.3%
7.93 kg / 0.00 €
Amount Variety Cost Type AA Use Time IBU Bill %
22 g Cascade22 g Cascade Hops Pellet 6.2 Boil 60 min 10.08 33.3%
22 g Cascade22 g Cascade Hops Pellet 6.2 Boil 20 min 6.11 33.3%
22 g Saaz22 g Saaz Hops Pellet 3 Boil 5 min 0.97 33.3%
66 g / 0.00 €
Other Ingredients
Amount Name Cost Type Use Time
85 g pure vanilla extract Flavor Boil --
43 g pure vanilla extract Flavor Bottling --
1 each Protafloc Fining Boil 15 min.
6 each Vanilla beans Other Secondary --
Fermentis - Safale - American Ale Yeast US-05
1 Each
Attenuation (custom):
Optimum Temp:
12 - 25 °C
Fermentation Temp:
18 °C
Pitch Rate:
0.00 € Yeast Pitch Rate and Starter Calculator
Method: corn sugar       Amount: 4.5 oz       CO2 Level: 2.65 Volumes
Target Water Profile
London (Porter, dark ales)
Ca+2 Mg+2 Na+ Cl- SO4-2 HCO3-
100 5 35 60 50 265
Mash Chemistry and Brewing Water Calculator
Mash Guidelines
Amount Description Type Start Temp Target Temp Time
21.6 L rest at 150 Infusion -- 76 °C 75 min
10 L stir and rest at 165 - mashout Infusion -- 100 °C 15 min
25.8 L to volume-7.5 gal. Fly Sparge -- 77 °C 45 min
Quick Water Requirements
Water Liters
WARNING: Boil kettle capacity (45.4 L) exceeded. Volume required: 45.46 L. Suggest reducing initial water volume to 45.08 L and adding 0.05 L sparge/top-off.  
Strike water volume at mash thickness of 3.7 L/kg 27.1
Mash volume with grains 32
Grain absorption losses -7.4
Remaining sparge water volume 23.2
Mash Lauter Tun losses -0.9
Pre boil volume (equipment estimates 45.1 L) 42
Volume increase from sugar/extract (late additions) 0.3
Boil off losses -7.1
Hops absorption losses (first wort, boil, aroma) -0.3
Post boil volume (equipment estimates 34.9 L) 38
Estimated amount in fermentor 38
Total: 50.3  
Equipment Profile Used: System Default

1600 ml. starter at 1.04

Ferment at 58 to 60 degrees with
Wyeast 2565,62 to 64 degrees with WLP 029
or 65 to 67 degrees with US-05

attenuation better than expected
finished at 1.011 about 5.3 ABV

carbonate 3 weeks at 68-70 degrees
cold condition 1 week in fridge
frothy head,nice lacing

tasty summer beer,easy drinking.
A great beer for the female in your life.

Ive made this brew 7 times now,and it is a mainstay for my woman.Ive used US-05
WLP 029 and WYEAST 2565 all with great
results.Used Williamette in place of
saaz and prefer it.Last batch came out
at 6.0 ABV with a modification to my fly sparge setup.Grain bill holds at 11 lbs.

Last batch was with WLP 029,I think Wyeast 2565 was the best of the 3 yeast types that I have used. (just me and swmbos thoughts).<br /> <br /> Made batch #8 with US-05 on 4-19-13<br /> used 4 Madagascar vanilla beans soaked <br /> in vodka for a week and added to secondary<br /> It added a bit more vanilla flavor.Nice addition for added flavor.Will make this<br /> a regular step in future batches,recipe<br /> has not changed but 2565 rules the brew.<br /> <br /> I made batch #9 on 9-22-13.Used original recipe with wyeast 2565, by far the best.<br /> Bottled on 11-1-2013.The only tweak was <br /> adding 12 oz clover honey at flameout.The<br /> Vanilla beans in secondary are the bomb.<br /> Recipe will not change from here on out.<br /> This batch started at 1.057 and finished at 1.01 - 5.51 ABV.It is exactly where I Want it. SWMBO and my friends love it.I like it alot too but I am more of a stout<br /> porter guy.I hope you like it and have good luck with it if you try it. -enjoy- <br /> <br /> 12-8-2013 Vanilla flavor has mellowed<br /> nicely,lacing lasts till the end of the glass.Very pleased with this batch.

Batch #10 1-23-2015 recipe has not changed
will be bottling in about a week or so.
This brew is our house brew all year,its<br /> one for the ladies.Will be ready for St.<br /> Paddys day.

batch #10 is long gone.Finally retired and will be moving to Florida in 2 weeks.I will update next batch when I brew in in the heat for the first time,Goodbye Chicago.I hope you enjoy the recipe.-Will be back to brewing soon.


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  • Last Updated: 2017-02-02 23:45 UTC