Step by Step
Mill the grains and dough-in targeting a mash temperature of 152°F. Hold the mash at around 152°F for 60 minutes. Collect first runnings into boil kettle and begin heating. Sparge with 21 qt of 166°F water, collecting wort and adding to kettle until the pre-boil kettle volume is around 6.5 gallons. Take hydrometer reading if calculating efficiency.
The total wort boil time is 60 minutes. Add 3 lbs of Belgian Candi and the bittering hops with 25 minutes remaining in the boil. Add Irish moss and Maltodextrine with 15 minutes left in the boil. Add wort-chiller and yeast nutrient to the boil with 10 minutes left. Add aroma hops with 5 minutes left in the boil. Chill the wort to 70°F and aerate thoroughly. Take sample for hydrometer reading. Pitch one package of Safale-05 into 6.5 gallon fermenting bucket, aerate and airlock it!
Ferment at 67°F until the yeast drops clear. At this temperature and with healthy yeast, fermentation should be complete in 10-14 days.
In Brew Like A Monk, one of the brewers recommended mashing out and sparging no higher than 163°. That way you purposely don't denature the enzymes and conversion continues until the boil starts. If you're mashing at 146°, you're going for a highly fermentable, dry beer. "In that situation, 163 makes sense. I did it on my last batch. I achieved my best efficiency to date and fermentation went like gangbusters. This wasn't a huge beer (1.046 SG) and I nearly had a blowout with 5 gallons in a 6.5 gallon Ale Pail (the kreusen crept up the airlock but didn't quite go out the top)."