7 gals. wort,60min. boil collected 5.75 gals and chilled with a double immersion set up of #1 in ice,#2 in kettle for 30 min. to 70 degrees
OG was 1.076
FG was 1.022
ABV 7.07%
Color 8 SRM
Primary for 4 weeks only @72degrees, as I used a vial of Clarity Ferm and wanted to see how it turned out with no second ferm.
Xferred to keg and forced @ 27psi 72 degrees for 4 days. It turned out clear and fine, with a good off white head that lasted till the bottom with good lacing.
Good bitterness with no harshness, great citrus hop flavor and aroma with just a hint of pine. Hops and citrus burst out on your taste buds and up through your olfactory senses.
Malt comes through in a good balance but leaves with the swallow, leaving a short lingering mild hop bitterness. You can't wait for another swallow. Not as dry as previous, and I attribute this to the Windsor yeast.