Bighead Hanks Top Dawg I.P.A - Beer Recipe - Brewer's Friend

Brewer's Friend


Bighead Hanks Top Dawg I.P.A

242 calories 24 g 12 oz
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Beer Stats
Method: All Grain
Style: American IPA
Boil Time: 60 min
Batch Size: 5.5 gallons (fermentor volume)
Pre Boil Size: 7 gallons
Efficiency: 70% (brew house)
Calories: 242 calories (Per 12oz)
Carbs: 24 g (Per 12oz)
Created: Thursday March 8th 2012
Amount Fermentable Cost PPG °L Bill %
12.50 lb American - Pale 2-Row12.5 lb Pale 2-Row 37 1.8 80.6%
0.50 lb American - Caramel / Crystal 30L0.5 lb Caramel / Crystal 30L 34 30 3.2%
1.50 lb United Kingdom - Golden Promise1.5 lb Golden Promise 37 3 9.7%
0.50 lb American - Carapils (Dextrine Malt)0.5 lb Carapils (Dextrine Malt) 33 1.8 3.2%
0.50 lb Canadian - Honey Malt0.5 lb Honey Malt 37 25 3.2%
15.50 lbs / 0.00
Amount Variety Cost Type AA Use Time IBU Bill %
0.50 oz Zeus0.5 oz Zeus Hops Leaf/Whole 14.5 Boil 60 min 16.7%
0.50 oz Citra0.5 oz Citra Hops Leaf/Whole 13.4 Boil 30 min 16.7%
0.75 oz Citra0.75 oz Citra Hops Leaf/Whole 13.4 Boil 20 min 25%
0.75 oz Citra0.75 oz Citra Hops Leaf/Whole 13.4 Boil 10 min 25%
0.50 oz Citra0.5 oz Citra Hops Leaf/Whole 13.4 Boil 5 min 16.7%
3 oz / 0.00
Danstar - Nottingham Ale Yeast
1 Each
Attenuation (avg):
Optimum Temp:
57 - 70 °F
0.00 Yeast Pitch Rate and Starter Calculator
Mash Guidelines
Amount Description Type Start Temp Target Temp Time
16 Infusion -- 154 °F 60 min
16 Sparge -- 170 °F 45 min
Quick Water Requirements
Water Gallons  Quarts
Strike water volume at mash thickness of 1.75 qt/lb 6.78 27.1  
Mash volume with grains 8.02 32.1  
Grain absorption losses -1.94 -7.8  
Remaining sparge water volume (equipment estimates 2.52 g | 10.1 qt) 2.41 9.6  
Mash Lauter Tun losses -0.25 -1  
Pre boil volume (equipment estimates 7.11 g | 28.5 qt) 7 28  
Boil off losses -1.5 -6  
Hops absorption losses (first wort, boil, aroma) -0.11 -0.5  
Post boil Volume 5.5 22  
Going into fermentor 5.5 22  
Total: 9.19 36.8
Equipment Profile Used: System Default

7 gals. wort,60min. boil collected 5.75 gals and chilled with a double immersion set up of #1 in ice,#2 in kettle for 30 min. to 70 degrees

OG was 1.076
FG was 1.022
ABV 7.07%
Color 8 SRM
Primary for 4 weeks only @72degrees, as I used a vial of Clarity Ferm and wanted to see how it turned out with no second ferm.
Xferred to keg and forced @ 27psi 72 degrees for 4 days. It turned out clear and fine, with a good off white head that lasted till the bottom with good lacing.
Good bitterness with no harshness, great citrus hop flavor and aroma with just a hint of pine. Hops and citrus burst out on your taste buds and up through your olfactory senses.
Malt comes through in a good balance but leaves with the swallow, leaving a short lingering mild hop bitterness. You can't wait for another swallow. Not as dry as previous, and I attribute this to the Windsor yeast.

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  • Last Updated: 2012-05-24 22:20 UTC