Brewed 12/26/16. Strike water was about 172F and I hit about 153F. Recirculated about 1gal which stabilized it at 152F. The first gallon of first runnings were collected and boiled down to about 1.5 pints and added in at about 15min. In kettle efficiency was 73% which is a bit low. I tried to mash with more water to increase, sparge slowly, and sparged more due to the 1gal concentration. Not sure why I didn't get better, however, it was spot on with the brewhouse estimated efficiency. Boil off was just about spot (e.g. future brews with lots of hops and 90min boil use this boil amount) on with the collected volume in the carboy and cooling took about 40ish min. Pitching temp stabilized at about 64F. 12/27 brew sitting at about 65/66F so I cooled it. By evening it was sitting about 65/66F so I cooled it again. 12/28 brew was sitting at about 62F in the morning and 64F by evening. 12/30/16 I threw an aquarium heater in the brew and it's sitting at about 70F. 2/9/17 dry hopped, biofined, and took gravity reading. Kegged on 2/13/17 and botteled via natural method on 2/15/17 with about 2.1 volumes of C02. Won second in BAM World Cup of Beer 2017 and Won First in the same comp with the same batch in 2018.
Award Winning Recipe