60 min. boil, then chilled to 70 deg. OH SHIT!! Somethings not right. I forgot to add the whirlfloc, Back to the burner for a 2nd time. Boiling again, got another hot break, and skimmed it off. Whirlfloc in for 10 min. then chilled to 70 again. (Hence the name) 2001 Wyeast Pilsner Urquell lager yeast in a 1 ltr. starter pitched at 70 degrees,air lock bubbling good @ 3 hrs, then to 50 deg. for 21 days. Raised to 60deg. for 24hr. diacetyl rest. Then 14 days @33 degrees SG 1.060 - FG 1.016 ABV 5.7 Waiting on the finished product for taste test.
Beer was the best I have made yet. My buddy who has always been a store buying, American mega brewery beer fool, had to be run out of my fridge. He is now on the craft beer train.
Pulled another bottle or three out and partook while watching football yestiddy. This brew started great, and just keeps getting better and better. DAYUM!! I think I'm turning Germanese, I think I'm turning Germanese, I really think so.