7/30 Started Yeast with 4oz Pilsen LIght DME to 1 qt and last batch (#24) yeast. Bubbling after 18 hours.
7/31/16 Infusion Mash the 1/2 lb of grains with 24oz water, boiled, covered and set aside for 1 hr. Boiled approx 2 1/2 gal, added DME.
Boiled water and set to cool, sparged then, at re-boil added water from sparging (same amount as initial -24oz).
At boil added Galaxy and started hop add schedule.
pre-chilled 4 gal of spring water in freezer + 2 bags of ice for wort cool down before wort chiller. Gonna get this down quickly!
...oops. forgot to put the pot in the bath in the sink. Ended up using another bucket to surround the primary while wort chilling. COuldn't tell temperature since the air temp was in the 80's. water flow was cold. Added a third cold spring water gallon to get to 6.25 gal. Continued to cool and then pitched yeast from starter. Bubbling every 10 sec so not full steam but active. Yeast smell was good.