11/18/2018 2:55 AM over 6 years ago
+1 |
Mash Complete |
38.5 Quarts |
5 |
2/20/2021 3:43 AM over 4 years ago
Heated 40 litres of water in HLT. Used almost all of it. Didn't take a mash gravity reading |
11/18/2018 3:55 AM over 6 years ago
+1 |
Pre-Boil Gravity |
30 Quarts |
2/20/2021 3:43 AM over 4 years ago
Ran with extra sparge water to top up the kettle to 7.5 gal |
11/18/2018 4:42 AM over 6 years ago
+1 |
Boil Complete |
26 Quarts |
2/20/2021 3:43 AM over 4 years ago
Hop additions adjusted to hops on hand. Hop spyder used from beginning and cleaned out at end of boil before whirlpool. Lots of wort with little trub |
11/18/2018 4:43 AM over 6 years ago
+1 |
Brew Day Complete |
23 Quarts |
2/20/2021 3:43 AM over 4 years ago
Gravity was slightly lower than brix indicated. Collected lots of wort due to very little trub. Colour and clarity were good. Pitched L17 Harvest yeast immediately since temps were good |
11/30/2018 6:27 PM over 6 years ago
+13 |
Sample |
2/20/2021 3:43 AM over 4 years ago
Fermentation has slowed in cool environment. A few more days to settle out before doing daicetyl rest |
11/30/2018 6:28 PM over 6 years ago
+13 |
Sample |
2/20/2021 3:43 AM over 4 years ago
Starting daicetyl rest. Moved to hallway with extra insulation to mitigate floor heat. Following moring added frozen water bottles to keep the heat down |
12/6/2018 10:16 PM over 6 years ago
+19 |
Fermentation Complete |
2/20/2021 3:43 AM over 4 years ago
Tasting drier. Looking quite clear. Transferred to keg after CO2 purge and dry hopped with 1.5oz Mt Hood and 1 oz Saaz |
12/13/2018 6:28 PM over 6 years ago
+26 |
Packaged |
2/20/2021 3:43 AM over 4 years ago
Pulled hop bag then cold crashed in furnace room fridge for three days. Moved to keezer and started to carbonate. This worked well because beer pre-chilled so rocking while cranking the CO2 to 30lb |
12/13/2018 6:29 PM over 6 years ago
+26 |
Tasting Note |
2/20/2021 3:43 AM over 4 years ago
Carb not quite there yet but coming along. Hint of dry hop on the nose. Malt forward but hops linger. There may be a slight astringency but needs more carb to determine. No DMS or diacetyl noticed |