Zombie Killer Mead - Beer Recipe - Brewer's Friend

Brewer's Friend


Zombie Killer Mead

209 calories 21.8 g 12 oz
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Beer Stats
Method: All Grain
Style: Cyser (Apple Melomel)
Boil Time: 0 min
Batch Size: 10 gallons (fermentor volume)
Pre Boil Size: 10 gallons
Pre Boil Gravity: 1.063 (recipe based estimate)
Efficiency: 90% (brew house)
Source: Sean Christopherson
Calories: 209 calories (Per 12oz)
Carbs: 21.8 g (Per 12oz)
Created: Wednesday June 15th 2016
Amount Fermentable Cost PPG °L Bill %
2 lb Tart Cherry Juice ( 2 liters - not 2 lbs)2 lb Tart Cherry Juice ( 2 liters - not 2 lbs) 6.3 15 7.4%
10 lb Fresh Apple Puree10 lb Fresh Apple Puree 6.3 6 37%
12 lb Wildflower Honey12 lb Wildflower Honey 42 2 44.4%
3 lb Apple Juice (2 gallons - not 3 lbs)3 lb Apple Juice (2 gallons - not 3 lbs) 40 6 11.1%
27 lbs / 0.00
- -
1 Each
Attenuation (avg):
Optimum Temp:
66 - 72 °F
0.00 Yeast Pitch Rate and Starter Calculator
Quick Water Requirements
Water Gallons  Quarts
WARNING: Mash tun capacity exceeded. Volume required: 12.29 gal (49.14 qt). Suggest reducing strike water volume to 9.84 gal (39.36 qt) and adding 0.29 gal (1.14 qt) sparge/top-off. 10.13 40.5  
Strike water volume at mash thickness of 1.5 qt/lb 10.13 40.5  
Mash volume with grains 12.29 49.1  
Grain absorption losses -3.38 -13.5  
Remaining sparge water volume 3.5 14  
Mash Lauter Tun losses -0.25 -1  
Pre boil volume 10 40  
Boil off losses    
Post boil Volume 10 40  
Going into fermentor 10 40  
Total: 13.63 54.5
Equipment Profile Used: System Default

Split into 2 x 5 gallon batches

1) 2 pks Lalvin Narbonne Yeast (71B-1122) - rehydrate each seperately with goferm
2) De-core and puree apples (add half to each fermenter)

  • 2 lbs Red Delicious, 2 lbs Fuji, 2 lbs Golden Delicious, 2 lbs Gala, 2 lbs Granny Smith
    3) Top off to 4 gallon mark with spring water
    4) Heat honey to aid in mixing, add 6lbs to each fermentor), mix with degasser
    5) Add 1pk of rehydrated yeast to each fermentor once temperature is correct, mix again with the degasser
    6) Ferment with no air lock for 5-7 days
    7) after 5-7 days add 1 gallon apple juice (no preservatives - pasteurized is ok) to each fermentor, stir gently, reseal and add airlock
    8) Once fermentation stops transfer to secondary and age for 1 month to clarify
    9) Add 2 oz american medium toast oak cubes (taste once per week until desired oak flavor)
    10) Cold crash or continue to age until desired clarity is reached
    11) Back sweeten and mix gently with tart cherry juice in bottling bucket (1 cup at a time until desired cherry flavor is reached)

    Note: tart cherry juice can be added to secondary fermenter if an additional agent is added to kill fermentation completely. Idea is to not ferment the tart cherry juice and use it to back sweetening.

    Currently brewing: see brew session results
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  • Public: Yup, Shared
  • Last Updated: 2016-07-13 05:07 UTC