Public Enemy Grapefruit Wheat Ale - Beer Recipe - Brewer's Friend

Brewer's Friend


Public Enemy Grapefruit Wheat Ale

151 calories 15.3 g 12 oz
Beer Stats
Method: Extract
Style: Weissbier
Boil Time: 60 min
Batch Size: 5 gallons (fermentor volume)
Pre Boil Size: 3 gallons
Pre Boil Gravity: 1.076 (recipe based estimate)
Efficiency: 35% (steeping grains only)
Source: AIH Kit + HBT
Calories: 151 calories (Per 12oz)
Carbs: 15.3 g (Per 12oz)
Created: Monday June 6th 2016
Amount Fermentable Cost PPG °L Bill %
6 lb Liquid Malt Extract - Wheat6 lb Liquid Malt Extract - Wheat 35 3 80%
6 lbs / 0.00
Steeping Grains
Amount Fermentable Cost PPG °L Bill %
0.50 lb Flaked Oats0.5 lb Flaked Oats 33 2.2 6.7%
1 lb Flaked Wheat1 lb Flaked Wheat 34 2 13.3%
Amount Variety Cost Type AA Use Time IBU Bill %
0.50 oz Aurora0.5 oz Aurora Hops Pellet 8 Boil 60 min 12.05 33.3%
1 oz Citra1 oz Citra Hops Pellet 11 Boil 0 min 66.7%
1.50 oz / 0.00
Other Ingredients
Amount Name Cost Type Use Time
3 each Grapefruit juice - fresh squeezed Flavor Secondary 7 days
3 each Grapefruit zest Flavor Secondary 7 days
0.50 each Whirlfloc Fining Boil 5 min.
Wyeast - American Wheat 1010
1 Each
Attenuation (avg):
Optimum Temp:
58 - 74 °F
Fermentation Temp:
72 °F
Pitch Rate:
0.35 (M cells / ml / ° P) 76 B cells required
0.00 Yeast Pitch Rate and Starter Calculator
Target Water Profile
Detroit City Water
Ca+2 Mg+2 Na+ Cl- SO4-2 HCO3-
27 9 6 11 25 78
Quick Water Requirements
Water Gallons  Quarts
Heat water added to kettle (equipment estimates 6.23 g | 24.9 qt) 2.68 10.7  
Mash volume with grains (equipment estimates 6.23 g | 24.9 qt) 2.8 11.2  
Grain absorption losses (steeping) -0.19 -0.8  
Volume increase from sugar/extract (early additions) 0.51 2  
Pre boil volume (equipment estimates 6.56 g | 26.2 qt) 3 12  
Boil off losses -1.5 -6  
Hops absorption losses (first wort, boil, aroma) -0.06 -0.2  
Post boil volume 5 20  
Going into fermentor 5 20  
WARNING: Kettle losses > 2% detected which throw off OG calculation for extract/partial mash recipes in batch target 'fermentor' mode. Solution: Reduce kettle losses, misc losses and hops absorption in equipment profile, OR set batch target to 'kettle' and do a full wort boil. See batch target FAQ.    
Total: 2.68 10.7
Equipment Profile Used: System Default
  1. Sanitation : It is important to thoroughly clean and sanitize all of your brewing equipment.
  2. Making the Wort : Begin by heating 2.5 gallons of water in your Brew Pot. While the water is heating, place your
    "Specialty Grains", which should be crushed, into a "Grain Bag". Tie a knot at one end of the "Grain
    Bag" leaving room for the grains to be loose in the bag. When the water reaches a temperature of
    150° to 160°F (max temp.), place the "Grain Bag" into your Brew Pot. Steep your grains at this temperature
    for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, remove the "Grain Bag" from the pot. Do not squeeze the bag,
    just let the liquid drain from the bag into the pot. The water is now "Wort" at this point.
  3. Boiling the Wort : Bring the "Wort" to a boil. It should be a rolling boil, be careful to avoid a "Boil Over". Remove the
    "Wort" from the heat. Add all of the included "Fermentables" to the "Wort". Stir the "Fermentables"
    into the "Wort" until it has all dissolved, making sure none of it is sitting on the bottom of the pot.
    Return the Brew Pot to heat and return the "Wort" to a boil. .
  4. Boil Hops : If using "Hop Bags", put the Boil Hops into a "Hop Bag" and tie loosely at one end. Add these to the
    boiling "Wort". You have now added the Bittering Hops. Continue to Boil this for 60 minutes.
  5. Boil Termination : After 60 minutes, remove heat source from the Brew Pot. Now it is time to cool the "Wort" to 70°F.
    This can be accomplished by using a "Wort Chiller".
  6. Add Water : Siphon your cooled "Wort" from the brew pot into your fermenter. Be careful not to transfer heavy
    sediment from the brew pot into the fermenter. Add enough water to bring the Wort to 5 gallons.
    Stir the 5 gallons of "Wort". At this time, take a Hydrometer reading to record the Original Gravity.
  7. Begin Fermentation: Add the yeast to the "Wort" surface. Firmly secure your fermenter lid and add the airlock. The ideal
    temperature for fermentation is 64°- 72°F. The "Wort" will begin to ferment within 24 hours.
    When fermentation is complete, take another hydrometer to record the Final Gravity.
  8. Secondary Clean and sanitize a secondary fermenter. Rack your beer into the fermenter and leave for one
    Fermentation : week. If using single stage fermentation, leave beer in the primary fermenter for another week.

    JDFlow from HBT:
    I've brewed two Witbiers with grapefruit. Add the fruit in secondary. Use two large grapefruits for 5 gallons, 3 if you want the flavor to be in the forefront. Zest both grapefruits, you want as little pith (the white membrane under the zest) as possible. Pith is very bitter and it will come through badly in your beer. Put the zest in a pan and juice both grapefruits on top of it. Then boil the zest in the juice until you have a syrup. Put the syrup and zest in the bottom of your secondary. Rack your beer onto it and leave it for at least one week. Amazing results.
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  • Last Updated: 2016-11-19 17:51 UTC