6/7/2016 used simpson golden promise, Malz pale wheat malt, and Briess Caravienne.
pH 5.2 in 5 Gallons of RO water at 165 for infusion mash.
Added brewing salts to the boil kettle approx. 7.5 gallons.
6.5 g of gypsum, 2g Calcium Chloride, 1.5 g Epsom Salt, 0.8 g NaCl.
3200 ml 1.040 starter for 24 hour with 2.5 month old yeast. Decant 50% since a low follucant yeast. went from 1.056 ( missed low on my numbers) to 1.014 in 48 hours. Conan/Pacman yeast is fast. But no blow-off. Kruszen was only 3" high. So different than WLP001. Which blows-off on me at 36 hour mark and ferments for 5 days.
Dry hopped 0n 6-17-16
Bottled on 6-21-16
Nice Dry Hop aroma
Taste was okay but needed more hop flavor
Next brew need to do longer hop stand or move some hops to the 10 and 5 min end of boil with some of the whirlpool hops
Taste is still drinkable 0n 09/20/16. Still big dry hop aroma. I surprised this has not dropped out yet. Taste is still okay yeast chalk bite flavor note has grown. Cant believe the long last hop aroma. Bright hop flavor just not strong enough flavor as in the nose.
Need to add only 5.5 gallons of brewing salts to boil. Might be a source of chalky taste