Pilsen and wheat malts provide a crisp and crackery backbone (and a rocky white head) to a dry beer where the yeast and hops are the stars of the show. The addition of cane sugar helps dry out the beer.
The Mandarina Bavaria hops, a new varietal from Germany feature intense tangerine, pineapple, lemon and citrus flavors with a resinous, herbal finish. Added exclusively in a post-boil hop stand and as dry hops, expect intense flavor and aroma with a lighter, refreshing bitterness.
Fruity and peppery, Wyeast's French Saison strain is highly attenuative, producing a dry beer, especially when coupled with the Brettanomyces blend. At the same time, it's high glycerol production leaves a fuller mouthfeel than is typically found in dry ales.
The Brettanomyces blend is primarily Brettanomyces Drei (guava, passion fruit, and apricot), with lesser amounts of Brettanomyces Bruxellensis (cherries, leather, barnyard funk) and Brettanomyces Claussenii (pineapple, citrus, mild funk).
The resulting beer should be dry, crisp, and pleasantly fruity. Expect prominent notes of citrus, tropical fruit, and pepper, supported by rustic funk and mild herbal notes.