Mash and boil for 30mins
Add lacto to the grainfather when temp gets to 50degrees
Cover the grainfather with cling film and leave for 3 days.
When PH has dropped down to 3.6ph boil up for 60mins to kill off the lacto and add hops
sanitise the counterflow by running boiling worth through it.
Finish with Lime zest at 5mins.
add to fermenter warm rather than recirculation.
Bleach the shit out of the grainfather
Ferment the beer with cider or champagne yeast
Once fermented out, add cucumber juice to the bottling bucket and bottle. Let it do it's thing in the bottle.
Cucumber has 1.7grams of sugar per 100grams so work that into the priming calculations
Mash and boil.
Ferment as normal.
Split with half on Watermelon an Mint Half on cucumber
Add Lacto to each fermenter.
Check ph drops then bottle