Estimated Mash pH of 5.4
Actual Mash pH ended up 5.58
Preboil gravity = 1.061
Ending Gravity = 1.074
Preboil Volume = 4.6 Gal
Into Fermenter = 3.5 Gal (Dumped All)
Missed the FWH so adjusted the amount of Mt. Hood FWH to match the IBUs at 55 minutes.
Vitality starter of 2 packs yeast (both ~50% viable). 500-600 mL for 4 hours prior.
Cold crashed to 38 degrees then fined with gelatin for 3 days. Kegged and carbed for 3 days before serving.
Started @ 63-64 degress, ramped towards end of ferm to 68-69, then rested at 70 degrees for a week or so.
Also used wyeast nutrient to add zinc (and other stuff) to wort. Thought lack of zinc might be a potential cause of acetaldehyde (green apple).
Grain Absorption = 0.11 Gal/lb
Boiloff ~ 1.0 gal/hr
Grist Ratio = 2.13 qt/lb
Wort Shrinkage ~ 2.8%
Mash went to top of pot and spilled over a bit. Reduce future batches to 3.25 gallons.
-Start heating wort while draining to lock in enzymes as opposed to mash out. Letting the wort cool changes enzyme composition.
-Try and get a filter for going into fermenter
-Use a grate to drain grain
-Try CaCl2, Gypsum, Epson Salt in bud light to see what I prefer
-Grind grain night before