Bring 27 litres of water to 65C and steep speciality grains for 30 mins, keeping temperature constant.
After 30 mins, remove steeping grains, and add DME whilst bringing temperature to a rolling boil Set your timer for 60 minutes.
Add 60g Hallertau at commencement of boil, and maintain rolling boil.
Add 1 protflec tablet 15 mins before end of boil and stir till dissolved.
Add 20g Hallertau 10 mins before end of boil, and the remaining 60g once you have turned off the heat at the end of 60 minutes.
Cool the wort as quickly as possible, and ensure the temperature is below 23C before pitching the yeast. For a cleaner taste, use a starter for the yeast, but dry pitching will work adequately with 1x10g packet if the temperature is maintained above 15C.
Maintain a temperature of between 15 and 23C during primary fermentation, and test with a hydrometer after approx. 8 days to ensure final gravity is met and constant over at least 2 days before priming.
Once ready to bottle or decant to a barrel, dissolve 166g of corn sugar/dextrose in a little water, and rapidly cool by placing the pan in cold water. Gently stir this in to the fermenter being careful to avoid disturbing the sediment.
Bottle, or decant to a barrel, and leave for at least 3 weeks to ensure the beer has cleared.
Chill before serving.