Bring 4gal of water to 172degF for sparge.
Use sparge water until amount in kettle reaches
7 gal,then stop sparging.
Started this brew on Jan.6th 2016.Yeast was fresh
and started quickly. by next morning it was churning.I ended up about a half gallon short after removal from trub.Original gravity was 1052
so I added a half gal of water, that brought gravity down to 1.046 My mistake.I didn't calculate the amount of dilution.It should still be a tasty brew.Racked to secondary Jan.12th.
bottled 1-24-16.This was a tasty brew.It took the bottles to develop the proper head retention.
Changes: Stick with the wyeast 1469.had good flavor.
Reduce the chocolate to 3oz.<br />
Increase Victory to 2lb.<br />
Forget the mashout