This is an abbey ale inspired in part by DFH raison d'etre. We have modified it over time and after reading Brew Like a Monk. We added the brown sugar and it definitely shines. Fermentation should not be cool You want some of the phenols, esters, and spicy notes. But fermentation should not climb over 74 F.
Mill the grains fine. We use a corona mill and we set it to the thickness of a credit card.
The process:
Mash the grains in roughly 3.5 to 4 gallons of water. The exact amount will depend on your set up. Mash grains at 150 F for 1 hour. Mash out at 168 for 10 Minutes.
During the mash get two 4 or 5 gallon pots going. One with 2 gallons of water. The other with 2.5 gallons of water. This water does not need adjustment. In the first pot you will dissolve the DME, and slowly bring it up to 190.
The other pot is sparge water, you can just bring it to 160 - 170.
At the end of the mash while the grains are draining into the pot, Add the DME/water. Then rinse the grains to volume with the other water. Proceed as normal from there on.