Added 5g gypsum, 1g CaCl, 1 campden tablet, 14 ml CRC acid
Mashed in at 69 degrees, stabilisied around 63 - 65 for the entire mash. Did full volume, 25l, mash
ph went from 5.3 at start of mash to 5.4 at end of mash
mashed for 1 hour then raised temp to 73 and took out bag and squeezed
Efficiency of around 83%
Collected around 23.5l of water post mash out of 25 l input. Then added an extra 5l to the boil.
Pre boil G was 1.08. Post boil OG was 1.09,
Boiled for just over an hour
Used hop bags
Added turn off hops, cooled quickly to 81 then added first hop stand hops then when at 72 added 2nd hop stand. It cooled very slowly, around 30 mins, to 65 and we then cooled down to 21 for fermenting.
we used Wp007 for the full strength beer (B), 12l, and S04 for the weak beer, 5.5l of wort + 4.5l of water.
N.B recipe OG predicts as around 1.10, whereas we measured it as around 1.09