This has turned out really well with a nice malty/toasty flavour coming through from the Amber malt. It is well balance with some hop flavour and aroma but this is secondary to the malt. I think next time I may back of on the amber malt a bit and go for 150g instead of 300g but I had some I wanted to use up.
For my taste I may up the IBUs next time but that is because I like a really bitter beer. This is probably closer to the suggested style.
I used yeast cultured from Young's London Special Ale which is reportedly the same as Wyeast 1768. The slightly better than expected attenuation could have been because of the 20 minute rest at 62oC before raising the temp to 68oC. I then mashed out at 75oC.
It's not a million miles away from something like Old Speckled Hen, but with a bit more malt and less sweetness.
Very nice!