2/25/2012 9:01 PM over 12 years ago
+0 |
Pre-Boil Gravity |
11.5 Gallons |
2/20/2021 3:43 AM over 4 years ago
Gravity does not include the two pounds of sugar that will be added. |
2/25/2012 9:29 PM over 12 years ago
+0 |
Brew Day Complete |
11.5 Gallons |
2/20/2021 3:43 AM over 4 years ago
added 2 lbs of sugar in boil. Other 2 lbs will be added with the oak after a few days in primary. Mash temps were off due to herms/temp reading. Need to adjust the set up which hopefully will be fixed with automation in a few weeks. Wort temp after cooling to about 80 thus sitting in fridge. Will pitch yeast within a few hours once temp reaches 64. |
3/1/2012 2:33 PM over 12 years ago
+5 |
Pre-Boil Gravity |
2/20/2021 3:43 AM over 4 years ago
3/6/2012 4:29 AM over 12 years ago
+10 |
Pre-Boil Gravity |
2/20/2021 3:43 AM over 4 years ago
Decided to dry hop with 2 oz cascade and 1 oz of saaz. Why not. Floral citrus notes for the aroma. |
3/8/2012 4:05 AM over 12 years ago
+12 |
Tasting Note |
2/20/2021 3:43 AM over 4 years ago
I packaged an odd pint of this on a lot of oak (1/2 oz) and on Sa04 yeast with some brett culture. Heavy oak flavor, nut like, amarillo citrus, chardonnay like, dry with not much body at all. Could be really interesting to make a gallon of as a blending base, or trim down the oak on and up the body during the mash. |
3/15/2012 3:01 AM over 12 years ago
+19 |
Tasting Note |
2/20/2021 3:43 AM over 4 years ago
Touch of hot alcohal but not much. More malt sweetness and subtle esters than anything. viscous mouth feel. Will benefit from carbonation. |
4/7/2012 8:50 PM over 12 years ago
+42 |
Fermentation Complete |
2/20/2021 3:43 AM over 4 years ago
fermentation complete. Oh yeah. looking forward to this one. |
4/19/2012 2:06 AM over 12 years ago
+54 |
Tasting Note |
2/20/2021 3:43 AM over 4 years ago
Complex alcohol notes. Yeast prominent flavor. Peaches/pears. Really good balance of alcohal - sweetness - body. Slight banana..but more papaya..tropical fruit. The best Golden Strong i've ever had. Needs a touch more aging/conditioning to lager out the yeast and clear it up. Also has a bit of cold suspension haze...which doesn't affect taste. Great example of the style. No flaws. I like it more however lighter...blended with the basil beer. Adds complexity to both. |
5/8/2012 9:10 PM over 12 years ago
+73 |
Tasting Note |
2/20/2021 3:43 AM over 4 years ago
Too grainy. The yeast hasn't flocced out fully. Yeast bite is still present despite aging. I prever the lighter abv belgians where it clears out better. This needs filtering if brewed again. |
5/10/2012 4:16 AM over 12 years ago
+75 |
Tasting Note |
2/20/2021 3:43 AM over 4 years ago
Amazing when cut 50/50 with rodi water. slightly tart, belgian esters with malt and sugar. Similar to a french white wine with more beer esters and body. Good Body. Brewing the same recipe but at 50% water and pitching more yeast this would be an amazing session. surprisingly good. I need to keep these in the light range. Yeast flavor but much more enjoyable to drink. |