modifying this recipe to attempt to come out at 5 gallons this time instead of 4. ran outta cascade pellets at the sto, so substituting citra. ibu from recipe was lower than last time with the 15 min cascade but now is about the same since using citra instead...using a cleaner yeast again....adding a bit of light crystal to see if i can add a grainey touch of sweetness...hoping this isnt under hopped but the ibu and ibu/gu are pretty high for the style although my first batch was on the sweet side, second batch was more balanced, so i was hoping to replicate a lot from second batch to preserve that balance....
brewhouse efficiency today : 4 gals 1.09 then 6 ga;s 1.06 so pretty solid 75%
scratch that -> mistakenly used 1 lb wheat malt instead of .5. efficiency was not 75 but still high tho....collected a lot of wort and lautered a little more slowly than usual, thats the only differences i can come up with.