Brewed on 11/08/15.
Ambient temp at 61. Mash @ 152.8 & 151 after 30 mins. PH seems closer to ideal due to larger hot break chunks and lots more trub upon straining.
OG is 14 brix (1.0546). Slightly higher than anticipated.
11/16/15: Temp was at 64 in the fermenter - took it out to ambient and hope to start getting near 68 degrees for a proper D-Rest.
Yeast is still in suspension and still bubbling very slowly but consistently.
Gravity measurement gave me 6.15 brix (about 1.0099 gravity) APPARENT ATTENUATION 81% - this puts it at 5.7%!!! This yeast attenuates like crazy!
Taste wise it's going to be an awesome beer!
11/22/15: dry hopped in the bucket with 1.5oz. I'm having trouble raising the beer temp to 68 for a D rest, but it's been up to 66 for 3 days. Kegging in 4 days.
11/27/15: kegged. 6.7 brix FG (1.011) @ 5.5% alcohol. 79% apparent attenuation.