Use new Simpsons DRC (Double-Roasted Crystal) Malts for the 2 lb of crystal malts. Use 2 packets of the yeast to ensure proper attenuation.
I filled a 22oz cup with fresh-picked, dried spruce needles (new growth needles). During the boil, I filled a muslin grain bag with the full 22 ozs of needles and steeped like tea at the end of the boil. Several needles will slip out, but they float, so I scooped them up with a sanitized mesh hand strainer before transferring to carboy.
Ferment in primary for 3 weeks, then transfer to a secondary and add .75 ozs of Chinook for a dry hop addition. At this time, add 1 TBSP of cinnamon, 1 tsp of allspice, and 5 drops of vanilla extract into the secondary fermentor.
Let sit in secondary for 2 weeks, then cold crash (I just put mine outside overnight on a 30F night). Transfer to keg, pressurize, pour, and enjoy.