Gypsum add to assist hops to have a snappier flavor.
BJCP Beer Style 10B - AKA Red Ale
Brew Day Schedule:
•Remove yeast from refrigerator 3-6 hours before pitching.
•Mix crushed grains in mash tun with 16 qts. water at 153°F (Strike water ≈168°F). Mash for 60 minutes.
•Re-circulate (vorlauf) until wort is fairly clear (15-20 minutes).
•Fly sparge w/h 5 gal. of strike water ≈178°F until brew kettle holds 7 gallons of wort, about 40 min.
•Take a sample of wort Specific Gravity and bring the kettle to a boil.
•When boiling starts add gypsum and bittering hops @ 60 min. before end of boil.
•Add bittering hops again at 50, 40, & 30 minutes before end of boil.
•Add Irish moss at 15 minutes before end of the boil.
•Place clean chiller coils into the wort at 15 minutes before end of boil
•Add whole leaf finishing hops for flavor and aroma in hop bag @ 5 minutes before end of boil.
•Cool wort to 72°F, record OG, transfer wort to carboy and pitch yeast.
Additional notes, racked to 5 gallon carboy on day 9. Bottled on day 21 - FG was DOB. Total bottled = 5 Gallons.