Made the usual starter w/ 4500ml filtered water and 1# DME. Boiled 15 min and cooled. Pitched, left for 2 days or so then cold-crashed.
Mashed in a little lower than we wanted and it settled around 148 - after 15 minutes or so we recirculated and stirred - mash was kind of stuck - dealt with that - got the temp up to 151 eventually and left it for the duration.
Mashed out as best we could - still very sticky. Started sparge - first runnings were 1.087 or so. Dropped like a stone and ended at 1.010. Ran out of liquid - did not collect 13g. Gravity was 1.057 so we added a g. of water. Preboil gravity at 50. Boiled 90 minutes as that is the traditional way. Post boil at 55 so added another g. of water. Original gravity of 1.051 w/ about 11.5g. in the fermenter. Lots of activity apparent by the next morning.
This beer went to the 2015 Homebrew Festival in San Diego and apparently was very popular - people came by the booth and said they heard that Claude was pouring a good Kolsch! To me, it's a tad heavy on that Kolsch malt - I think we need to back off a little. Got a little too much of the biscuity flavor going on. Still excellent and refreshing! Still a bit too light in color too!
Also sent 3 bottles to the Oregon State fair and got some interesting comments back. They seemed to think it had some yeast issues...