Make a starter: use 2 vials of Wyeast 3724 pitched into 2 L of media (containing 205 g of DME)
Start 24 hours ahead of pitch into Wort
grain bill is 12 lbs, so estimate 1.5 quarts H20 per pound of grain = 18 quarts (4.5 gallon)
1) Add the 18 quarts of water (164F) to mash tun
2) Allow to sit 60 minutes (151F)
3) Drain out 1-2 quarts of the wort
4) Pour back into top of mash tun GENTLY as to not disturb the grain bed - this is part of the "vorlauf" step in which you force the grain to become its own blockage/filter for the sweet wort to go through (stop any large pieces)
5) Drain 1-2 quarts and repeat until there are no large grain pieces coming through (3-4 times)
6) Drain the mash tun completely; note volume for future reference. Set aside this wort (will not re-add)
7) Now add half sparge water (1.5 gallons at 170F) & stir gently to get the grain bed sugars and enzymes back into solution
8) Allow to sit 10 minutes
9) Repeat Vorlauf until runnings are clear, alternate with the other half of the sparge water
10) Drain all into your kettle, this is your WORT :)