Fermentation and Conditioning
Use 18 grams of properly rehydrated dry yeast, 4 liquid yeast packages, or make an appropriate starter. Ferment at 68 ° F (20° C) to start, raising the temperature gradually to 70° F (21° C) for the last third of fermentation. When finished, carbonate the beer to approximately 1.5 to 2 volumes.
CaraMunich (60 °L)
All-Grain Option
Replace the English extract with 21.5 lbs. (9.75kg) British pale ale malt. Mash at 150 °F (66 °C). The mash volume for this beer, even at a thick 1 qt./lb. (2 L/kg), will be about 7.5 gallons (29 liters). If your brew system is unable to fit all of the base grain, feel free to replace up to half of the British pale ale malt with English pale ale extract. The flavor difference is minimal in such a big-flavored beer, especially with the high-quality extracts available today. Increase the pre-boil volume as needed to allow a 90-minute boil.