(This is the recipe that Vinnie himself gave in an interview found in zymurgy)
Mash grains at 151-152° F (66-67° C) for an hour or until starch conversion is complete.
Mash out at 170° F (77° C) and sparge. Collect 8 gallons (30 L) of runoff, stir in dextrose,
and bring to a boil. Add hops as indicated in the recipe. After a 90 minute boil, chill wort
to 67° F (19° C) and transfer to fermenter. Pitch two packages of yeast or a yeast starter
and aerate well. Ferment at 67° F (19° C) until fermentation activity subsides, then rack
to secondary. Add first set of dry hops on top of the racked beer and age 7-9 days, then
add the second set. Age five more days then bottle or keg the beer.
Extract Substitution
Substitute 6.5 lb (3.0 kg) of light dry malt extract for two-row malt. Due to the large
hop bill for this recipe, a full wort boil is recommended. Steep grains in 1 gallon (3.8 L)
of water at 165° F (74° C) for 30 minutes, then remove and rinse grains with hot water.
Stir in dextrose and top up kettle to 8 gallons (30 L), and bring to a boil. Add hops as
indicated in the recipe. After a 90 minute boil, chill wort to 67° F (19° C) and transfer to
fermenter. Pitch two packages of yeast or a yeast starter and aerate well. Ferment at 67°
F (19° C) until fermentation activity subsides, then rack to secondary. Add first set of dry
hops on top of the racked beer and age 7-9 days then add the second set. Age five more
days then bottle or keg the beer