Recipe from AHA 2011 gold metal winner in Amber Hybrid category:
Target mash was 147F for 60 minutes but ended up mashing 152 for 60 minutes instead. Also missed my sparge temp, using 2 gallons at 171 instead of 174.
Something seemed off because OG was measured at "10" on a friend's refractometer (I'd never used one before but it was right on the "10" mark, which according to a website calculator, is 1.040) -- missing my target OG of 1.051 by 0.011. Not sure what went wrong, I'd like to repeat a smaller batch and see how it goes.
Tried a sample of the wort before adding yeast and it seems very aligned with the BJCP style guidelines as long as my fermentation temperatures can be maintained, it should be quite drinkable.