6:38 20 quarts tap water in brew kettle, 129F
6:42 141F
7:06 154.7F, put grains in => 147F
7:07 Hit 150.0F, put on towel and wrapped with two blankets
8:07 Finished at 148.6F, drained for 30 seconds and started to boil the first runnings (about 16 quarts @ 1063). Started to bring sparge water up to 170F. Sparging created another 4 quarts @ 1040. Total runnings: 20 quarts @ 1055
Mash efficiency 75.99% (calculated by http://www.brewersfriend.com/brewhouse-efficiency/)
Gravity at 100% Efficiency: 1.072 - max
Gravity at 75% Efficiency: 1.054
10.54 Efficiency: 75.99%
Points / Pound / Gallon (ppg): 27.8
8:47 Rolling boil started
9:02 0.9oz 10% AA Northern brewer in
9:42 0.5oz 10% AA Northern brewer in, immersion chiller in to steralize
9:48 0.5oz 10% AA Northern brewer in
9:50 Started immersion chilling with ice water
OG 1053
10:12 109F, still immersion chilling
Got impatient and dumped entire brew kettle, including cold break and hop leaves that made it out of the bag into the fermenter. (Probably should have siphoned everything but it was quite late at this point.)
Placed fermenter in refrigerator at 58F
2012/09/07 - Fermentation bubbling slowly
2012/09/09 - Fermentation barely bubbling, if at all
2012/09/18 - Fermentation has been done for a while I think. Should transfer it to keg soon.
2012/10/02 - Transferred to keg. FG 1.011.