Add 2 gal water, sugar, and all spices except tea to a large pot and bring to a boil.
Boil for 20 mins uncovered.
Add cool water until temp drops to below 150 F.
Add tea leaves (in a mesh bag) and steep for 20 mins.
Add lime juice to pre-acidify to 4.0 to 4.5 pH.
Amount will vary depending on starting pH of water.
Remove both spices and tea bags and transfer to fermenter.
Once temperature drops below 85 F, add SCOBY and shake vigorously to aerate.
Open ferment at 80F for 3 - 7 days.
Add 0.1g ascorbic acid and 0.1g metabisulphite and transfer finished kombucha to a 2.5gal serving keg. Backsweeten with simple syrup or honey to taste.
Carbonate, chill and enjoy!