Strike temp was 160, it dropped to 148 before the heater turned back on, would like to get the neoprene jacket for the brewzilla to see if that helps with temp control. Temp was a little low for the first 15 min before it figured itself out. Nailed all the water numbers and got efficiency of 70% as expected. Would like to try leaving the top plate off and stirring the mash to see if that improves efficiency. Sparging seemed to take a while, remember next time I could let it trip into a pan and then pour that into the boil. No boil overs, i added hops as it came to temp instead of at boil. Pump clogged immediately on cool down. Cool down took approx 45 min, running water slower saved water, and save some buckets of warm water for clean up after. Clean up was a pain, hopefully next time no pump clog, get some pbw and maybe cip nozzle.