1000 ml starter evening before. 1/2 cup honey, 1/2 tsp FermAid O and top of with water. stir well with frother. Stir plate approx 12 hours. Starter OG 1.045
Mix water & honey, 1 and aerate with large wisk on drill.
Bucket fermenter with single air lock.
Initially wanted only 5 gal batch but didn't allow for volume of honey being about 1 1/4 gallon. OG calculation was off by about 10 points.
Yeast nutrient schedule:
24 hrs add 1 tsp Ferm O and wisk to degas
48 hrs add 1 tsp Ferm O
Kill yeast with Potassium Sorbate 3-6 grams 1-2 days prior to back-sweeten and adding blueberry puree.