Net 4.0 lbs of Roasted Butternut Squash
- top with 8 oz of Pilloncillo (Mexican) Dark Brown Cane Sugar
- roast for 90 minutes at 375°
- scoop out roasted squash flesh w/sugar topping and toss the skins
- puree the squash mixture and add to kettle at beginning of 60 minute boil using fine mesh hop bag.
Spice mixture: added at 5 minutes remaining in 60-minute boil
5 tsp. cinnamon (ground)
1 tsp. nutmeg (ground)
1 tsp. ginger (ground)
1 Tbsp. Vanilla added to fermenter 3 days before kegging
Doing an OPEN-ish fermentation (to avoid possible stalling that can happen with this particular Dupont strain of yeast). Will remove airlock from the fermentor and loosely cover with foil. Fermentor will be inside a small chest freezer with lid closed to maintain warm fermentaion temperature.