Mill the grains and mash at 154°F (68°C) for 60 minutes. Vorlauf until the runnings are clear, then run off into the kettle. Sparge the grains and top up as necessary to obtain 6 gallons (23 liters) of wort—or more, depending on your evaporation rate. Boil for 60 minutes, following the hops schedule. After the boil, spin the wort, add the whirlpool hops, and cover. Let rest for 10 minutes. Chill the wort to slightly below fermentation temperature, about 66°F (19°C). Aerate the wort and pitch the yeast. Ferment at 68°F (20°C). Once primary fermentation activity subsides, dry hop for five days.
HAZY (NEIPA) VERSION The grain bill is the same. For the hops, dial back the 60-minute Columbus addition to 10 IBUs (about 0.22 oz/6 g). For the yeast, instead of Chico, use a London strain such as Wyeast 1318 London III or White Labs WLP066 London Fog.