Begin fermentation at 50 degrees F
- You should begin to see activity after 24 hours
- Monitor fermentation daily including taking gravity
samples, tracking tank temperature and monitoring blow
off. Gravity should drop 1-2 degrees P per day.
- When gravity reaches below 6 degrees Plato, raise the
tank temperature to 60 degrees F and allow fermentation
to finish. This is called the diacetyl rest.
- Primary fermentation is complete when gravity reading
is around 2.5-2.7 degrees Plato with two consecutive days
of the exact same reading.
- Once primary fermentation is complete, perform a
diacetyl test to make sure there is not residual precursor.
This may take a couple days after primary is complete.
- Total primary fermentation will take between 12-21
days(diacetyl test included).
- After fermentation is complete, cold crash the beer to
50 degrees F. Allow 2-3 days at this temp.
- Crash the beer again to 34 degrees F, 1-2 degrees per
day is ideal.
- Allow beer to lager for 3-6 weeks. Transfer to a
conditioning tank if possible, if not remove yeast from
cone of fermentation vessel to prevent autolysis.
- Carbonate beer to 2.4-2.5 volumes of C02 and keg.